Little People, Big Feelings

Little People, Big Feelings
Little People, Big Feelings

Little People, Big Feelings

Genevieve Muir

Reassuring, compassionate and relatable, this book will help you through some of the most difficult moments of parenting -public meltdowns, bedtime struggles, school refusal, new sibling rivalry -without losing your own mind or quashing your child's spirit. Using stories, scripts and step-bysteps, Gen reveals how to communicate so your child can hear you, and how to welcome your child's emotions in order to help them regulate. You'll also learn: · Why setting firm and kind limits is essential for making our kids feel safe. · Why traditional approaches like timeouts, reward charts and a focus on praise or punishment aren't effective for long-term behaviour change. · Why understanding our own response to our kids' feelings is the key to becoming the parent we want to be. · And why it's so important to show ourselves self-compassion when raising little people with big feelings.
Connected Parenting founder Genevieve Muir is a parent educator, obstetric social worker and mother of four boys. She is passionate about helping families to connect and thrive amid the many challenges of modern parenting.

Gen has a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from UNSW and a Graduate Diploma in Grief and Bereavement Counselling. She is also a qualified Circle of Security and Tuning into Kids facilitator.

Gen has appeared Sunrise, The Morning Show, Studio 10, 2Day FM and ABC, and is a spokesperson for LEGO Duplo, H&M Parent Hub and Kiindred.

Little People, Big Feelings


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