Babies & Toddlers

Babies & Toddlers
Babies & Toddlers

Babies & Toddlers

Kaz Cooke
The sequel to Up the Duff - the essential guide to the care of babies and toddlers, from Australia's most loved and trusted voice for parents and carers.Now you have a baby, what are you going to do with it?! Kaz Cooke, the author of the bestselling pregnancy book Up the Duff, has you covered from your very first day with a baby. With reassuring info, helpful suggestions, answers to your questions and quotes from Australian parents, Babies & Toddlers is backed by the professional advice of more than thirty medical and other experts. Everything you need to know about crying; sleeping; breastfeeding; bottle-feeding; health & body image for new mums; coping; developmental milestones; eating; common illnesses; fun stuff; safety; toilet training; tantrums (theirs and yours); extra stuff for dads and much, much more. Fun, practical and updated every year, Babies & Toddlers has everything you need to know about looking after babies and toddlers.

Babies & Toddlers


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