Excel Basic Skills Workbook: Building Your Vocabulary Skills Years 5-6
Excel Basic Skills Workbook: Building Your Vocabulary Skills Years 5-6
- Author/Seller
- Not Just Books
- SKU:
- 9781741251647
In this third book in the series, Building Your Vocabulary Skills Yea rs 5–6, subjects such as place names, geography, weather, occupati ons, useful verbs and adjectives are covered.
In the activities, children can practise a range of vocabulary skills, such as:
- recognising synonyms and antony ms
- understanding idioms (non-literal sayings)
- expandin g their knowledge of verbs, adjectives and other parts of speech
As with all books in the Excel Basic Skill s series, the Building Your Vocabulary Skills books are designed to help your child at home, which will in turn improve their confidence in read ing, writing, spelling and comprehension exercises at school.