Always Room for Christmas Pud

Always Room for Christmas Pud

Always Room for Christmas Pud

Aunty Donna
Based on a highly popular video: The original YouTube sketch of the same name
on which this book is based has resonated deep in the heart of the nation, reaching
over 5 million views.
Cult fans: For the Aunty Donna fanbase, December is Pudmas – an important time
of year when they share memes, memories and memories of memes about that time Aunty
Donna uploaded a video about Christmas pud. Every Christmas people gather around the
laptop and rewatch the sketch! It's given rise to a spin-off podcast and pud merchandise,
Aunty Donna have a huge multichannel in-built audience: 500k YouTube
subscribers, 560k TikTok followers, 180k on Facebook, 155k on Instagram and 27k on
Reddit. Plus a big offline fanbase – their live shows regularly sell out.
Easy and fun Christmas gift: For any fan of Aunty Donna – especially their many
male followers, who are at least 50% – this is a no-brainer Kris Kringle or stocking stuffer
gift designed for a laugh

Always Room for Christmas Pud


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