


Lulu Mayo
Juggling is FUN FOR ALL AGES-whether you're 17 or 70! Learn the basics-plus some fancier moves-with this juggling set.

Juggling will take you through the journey of mastering the fun and addictive art of juggling. Featuring all the tools you will need—three colorful balls and a 16-page illustrated instruction book—the kit will lead you from the basics all the way through to performance of this entertaining and engaging skill. This friendly beginner's guide to juggling teaches all the essentials, including hand-eye coordination and fine-motor skills. Once you're juggling, you'll be the life of any gathering! Juggling set features: 3 multi-colored juggling balls (pellet filled so they don't roll away) 16-page fully illustrated instruction book with step-by-step instructions Starting with a little bit of history and a little bit of science, the instruction book then teaches basic hand-eye coordination movement with one-ball juggling. From there, it teaches the cascade, or the basic three-ball juggling pattern. With step-bystep illustrated practice, including the Scoop and Release and the Throw and Drop, you will progress from juggling 1 ball to 3 in no time. Jugglers have been throwing and catching things throughout time. Before there were unicycling vaudevillians and medieval court jesters, there were jugglers in the ancient worlds of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and China. Now you can join this international family of jugglers. Once you learn this ancient art, snowballs, produce in the grocery store, and maybe even some toys will never look the same!



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