Live More with Less

Live More with Less

Live More with Less

Kate Luckins
Drop the eco-guilt and create the sustainable lifestyle you're looking for. Dr Kate Luckins was a leading light in sustainability until she had kids and caved to convenience. Riddled with guilt, Kate couldn't see a way forward until she realised that striving for perfection was setting us all up for failure. Why feel bad about forgetting your Keep-Cup when you've drastically reduced your use of soft plastics? Or that even though you might drive a petrol-fueled car, you've swapped from buying imported produce to growing it in your backyard? Kate realised that the only way forward is for everyone to start living their own shade of green, and this is the book to show you how. Live More with Less is a practical, illustrated and delightful guide to balancing sustainable habits with our imperfect reality. Whether it's tips for shopping responsibly, making Christmas eco-friendly, simplifying your fridge or editing your wardrobe, this book is designed for anyone who wants to make more sustainable choices and upgrade their life – for good.

A practical, inspiring and entertaining guide to living sustainably for those craving a total lifestyle upgrade without the guilt. Written by Dr Kate Luckins, Founder of the global clothes-swapping movement, The Clothing Exchange and Sustainable Lifestyle.

Live More with Less


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