The Compost Coach

The Compost Coach

The Compost Coach

Kate Flood
Spin food waste and household carbon into garden gold, learn about how and why soil matters, and make climate activism an everyday mission, with compost coach Kate Flood.

Join me, Compostable Kate, for a journey into the wonderful, not scary, world of composting. It's my mission with this
book – and in life – to show you that composting need not be smelly or time-consuming or somebody else's problem. It's
relevant and important and utterly achievable wherever you live.
In this book I teach you the what, the why and the how of this essential practice. I assess the many permutations of kits
and find the one that's right for your home; we meet the worms and we consider the other compost critters you need to
know about; and we chat to a crew of thoughtful, inspiring composters – like Costa Georgiadis, Hannah Moloney,
Charles Dowding and Alessandro Vitale aka Spicy Moustache!
Beyond compost, we also talk about soil and its immense value to our precious planet – including simple, effective
regenerative gardening methods that are applicable wherever you have access to a patch of earth. This is a book for you
if you cook, eat and care about the world around you (that's most of us, right?). I hope it ignites a spark that leads to other
small, significant changes that help rewrite our collective climate story.

The Compost Coach


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