Painting With Thread

Painting With Thread

Painting With Thread

Shirley Crapp
If you love exploring texture, innovative techniques and new materials, if you're inspired by the Australian landscape, you will adore this book. After 50+ years of pursuing her artistic vision through many mediums (winning lots of prizes and commissions), Shirley Crapp turned to free-machine textile embroidery and won a first prize after only 4 months of being tutored by Annemieke Mien (now a friend). She guides you stage by stage as she builds each of 16 'thread paintings' using many colour close-ups to illustrate her descriptions of techniques and materials, and colour photos of the area that inspired each one. You also learn about methods and materials for 8 pastel works, and for 26 prints (etched, woodblock, silk screen) including many 2-D works.

Painting With Thread


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