Healthy Dog, Happy Dog

Healthy Dog, Happy Dog
Healthy Dog, Happy Dog
Healthy Dog, Happy Dog

Healthy Dog, Happy Dog

Rhian Allen
Take charge of your dog's health with a fresh, unprocessed diet. Feeding dogs a fresh, wholefood diet can help with digestive issues, skin conditions, weight management and overall wellbeing. In Healthy Dog, Happy Dog, Rhian Allen and her team of pet nutrition experts show you how to make simple changes to your dog's diet for lifelong health benefits. This essential guide includes: ·Guidelines for transitioning to a new diet ·Feeding guides by age, size and ideal weight ·Lists of foods to avoid and embrace ·Healthy snack ideas ·65 wholefood recipes ·Introductory recipes for puppies ·Recipes and troubleshooting tips for sensitive tummies ·Recipes for healthy weight management. Make the switch to feeding fresh and help your dog enjoy a longer, happier and healthier life with you!

Rhian Allen is passionate about health, nutrition and living well. As founder of the online hub The Healthy Mummy, Rhian helped more than 1.5 million Australian mums regain their health.
She has now turned her attention to the wellbeing of pets, with the launch of Healthy Active Pet, an online community for healthy pet food and helpful resources for Australian pet owners. At Healthy Active Pet, Rhian works alongside a team of pet nutritionists and animal behaviour specialists to help pets live their longest, healthiest and happiest lives.
Rhian regularly appears across television, print, radio and online and is a highly respected voice in the health, business and entrepreneurial arenas. She lives in Sydney's Northern Beaches.

Healthy Dog, Happy Dog


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